April 6th, 2021.

4 min readApr 7, 2021


Nothing particularly special happened today, which is why I thought it would be good to write about it. Call it my anti-social media post — here is a story of a very ordinary day, for the sake of me remembering what it was like for an ordinary day to pass by. How often do we think to do that?

I woke up at 7am, super groggy because I had taken a magnesium pill during the night to help me fall asleep. All it does it relax your muscles, but if you take it too late then in the morning your body feels like it’s on NyQuil but without the drowsiness. I had a 8am meeting, so I rolled up and started to boil water for the french press before realizing that I was still out of coffee. Coffee subscriptions are a great idea unless your order keeps on getting lost, but since my friend owns the company I just reached for the awful tasting Nespresso pods again and made a mental note to email them.

Work was work. People keep on asking me what it’s like being back at Airbnb, like if my whole life has drastically changed but honestly, it’s so hard to say when I’m still working from home, in the same room of my house, with the same schedule using the same collaboration tools, in the same sweats. It’s not that dramatically different lol but I am happy to be working with familiar faces again and I do find the work interesting and challenging. I’m building up and launching a new social insights program, so I spent the day working with our social analysts on practice reports and media trainings.

The day was extraordinarily sunny and beautiful for April, so for lunch Andrew insisted that we take the Miata to a food truck pod down the street, Carte Diem. I don’t really like riding in the Miata, because I get cold and self conscious and I think only the person driving the convertible is having fun, but when I turn and see a huge smile on Andrew’s face, I put up with it. Wow, I’m such a grumpy old lady.

The food truck we wanted to check out for yakisoba was closed today, LOL so we ordered tacos instead. It seemed like a super authentic truck cause the tacos were $1.50 each, and they had a bunch of wooden tables spread out in the sun so I sat and sipped on a lime La Croix and listened to a table full of younger Mexican dudes enjoying their lunch break, chattering in quick Spanish. Andrew paced around waiting for our tacos while I thought about the website I discovered the other day for property listings in Mexico, like their Zillow. We could get a lovely little home in a beach town with colorful tiles in the bathrooms and beautiful wood beams across the ceiling for less than $200k.

In the afternoon I moved out to the backyard patio couch to work, curled up with my laptop to enjoy the warm sunshine and the great outdoors from my deck. I love having a backyard, and thought of how I needed to buy more string lights to cover the rest of the awning. We are having friends over this weekend, and I hope to turn our backyard into a true vibe in time for summer parties! Would it blind birds or harm anything if we hung disco balls on the trees?

Around four o’ clock I gave up looking at my screen and picked up Ramit Sethi’s I WILL TEACH YOU TO BE RICH book, a truly entertaining but also useful book on how to do money stuffs. I’m filing taxes as a married woman this year and well, things have suddenly gotten complicated, especially with the Airbnb IPO and Andrew starting his own practice and us buying a house together, all while our tax accountant keeps on yelling at us for doing things wrong. It’s not fun to realize how much you don’t know and even if you’ve found something that works for a certain lifestyle, you have to learn things all over again when life changes.

We are modeling for another photoshoot coming up at the end of the month, and I need to find a flowy dress to wear. A local photographer DM’d me on Insta, gushing over the scenery from one of our mountain hikes and offering to take pics of Andrew and I up there. I’m not sure why this keeps on happening to us, but I’m not mad about it. Maybe it’s just something Andrew and I will end up doing forever — getting asked to be professional wilderness elope-ists. I need to work out my upper arms, I am self conscious about my upper arms. The first thing I always notice about pretty girls are how thin their upper arms are, and how mine are no longer as thin. The only workouts I do nowadays is riding the Peloton, but that does nothing for my arms.

I’m sitting in the attic nook now after dinner, drinking water and typing this. Alcohol on a weeknight is dangerous, and I already suffered poor sleep last night from park hangout drinks yesterday. The sunsets views from our attic is stellar, but I often forget to come up here. I need to make an appointment for my second COVID vaccine, or maybe I just show up on the date they gave me? Andrew is typing at this desk at the other end of the attic, and I realize how tired I am from doing nothing today, and how that’s okay.

Going to get head downstairs and get ready for bed now, big meeting tomorrow morning. I hope you enjoyed reading this exhilarating entry!




Portland lover. Food eater. Travel-er. I write about my life dramas on here, everything else is somewhere else.